Monday, July 20, 2015

Benefits of Using Soft Tissue Lasers

Benefits of Using Soft Tissue Lasers

At Thurm Dental Group, we use an assortment of tools and techniques to address each patient’s unique situation regarding his or her dental needs. The soft tissue laser is one of the latest technological advancements dentists are starting to use regularly to help treat soft tissue (gums). 

Laser therapy not only removes soft tissue decay, but it also encourages healthy gum regeneration after the decay has been eliminated. Aside from the more common uses of the laser, including root canals and cavity preparation, some other procedures that Collingswood dentist, Dr. Thurm can use a soft tissue laser for include:

·         Exposing wisdom teeth that are only partially erupted
·         Oral cancer screenings – we can easily remove tissue samples for biopsies
·         Removing swollen tissue to reduce bacteria within a periodontal pocket
·         Reshaping excess gums to properly fit tooth shape
·         Contouring gum tissue during restorations
·         Fixing speech problems caused by a tongue-tie
·         Eliminating lip pulls seen in orthodontic patients

The following are benefits of using a soft tissue laser in comparison to using a traditional scalpel or drill:

·         Increases accuracy and precision
·         Reduces or eliminates need for local anesthetic
·         Reduces swelling and bleeding
·         Ensures faster healing time
·         Reduces post-operative pain, which can eliminate the need for pain medication
·         Eliminates the potential for damage to surrounding healthy tissue by eliminating the use of high-speed drills

Some patients are concerned about the safety of using lasers in dentistry, and we at Thurm Dental Group want to assure you that have been approved by The United States Food and Drug Administration and they have been used for various dental procedures for over 20 years. Lasers are also safe to use around existing dental structures of various materials, such as implants, crowns, bridges, and fillings, consisting of metal, gold, porcelain, amalgam, etc.

If you have any questions regarding laser treatment or would like to receive the highest technology in periodontal treatment, please call us today at (856) 858-2871.